1st Women in Business Breakfast
Yesterday was a good day, a very good day I would “dare” to say. The weather was extremely warm and beautiful -I know it might sound insignificant, but in a city like Hamburg, weather is always relevant and, taking into account that last week we were still wearing winter coats, such a breathtaking change is definitely noteworthy-, and, more importantly, at least for me, I hosted “AUDEAMUS CAPITAL 1st Business in Women Breakfast”.
The idea arose some weeks ago. I can not say it was directly driven for “spreading the word” about AUDEAMUS CAPITAL (which, on the other hand, I long for as an appealing side effect), more I wanted to gather an interesting group of women, enjoy a good cup of coffee in our superb, new refurbished conference room, savor the delicatessen than Agnès Brinker -owner of Par ici and good friend of mine- had prepared for us, wonder Himmel und Erde flower arrangements (for me the most astonishing flower shop in the city, www.himmelunderde.de) and in short, have a nice time, a little break in our busy agendas.
AUDEAMUS CAPITAL succeed in gathering a VERY diverse group of women: lawyers, bankers, artists, entrepreneurs, event managers, architects -we had a little bit of everything at the start- and, not to forget, jointly mother of an impressive total of 42 kids. Furthermore, or better said, despite the wording of the official invitation (remember women….), I asked two men to join us: my husband and biggest supporter, Christian Westphal and Tom Jaisle, consultant network von Bonbonfabrik who has immensely helped me with the design of AUDEAMUS CAPITAL corporate identity.
I decided to split the presentation in three areas: i) a brief introduction about myself and AUDEAMUS CAPITAL (what can I say, business is business), ii) a concise overview of the report “Cracking the Code”, recently published by KPMG LLP, YSE Ltd. and 30% Club and finally iii) a Study case over jewelry in 2020 (which woman does not like jewelry?). And what can I tell you, it was a big success. We did not only enjoy a tasty cup of coffee (or more) and Agnès mouthwatering mini croissants, we also had a vivid discussion, a stimulating ideas' exchange, and probably most important, we feel reciprocally empowered to continue, pursue I would dare to say, with our daily business, our daily life.
I was formally asked to continue with this initiative, and yes, AUDEAMUS CAPITAL will be certainly hosting soon a “2nd Women in Business Breakfast”