Obstando Promoves is the Latin motto of the main character of Andres Pascual’s book “A merced de un Dios Salvaje”, a thriller -for the time being only available in Spanish- of mysterious personalities connected with a shocking past in which the balance between ancestral customs, traditions and modernity does not always work. Above that (and that’s the part I personally liked and enjoyed more), the book contains a powerful declaration of love to LA RIOJA, the wine area I was born and spent my childhood in.
Coming back to the above mentioned “Obstando Promoves”, which in Spanish means “manteniéndote firme, avanzas” and in English could be something like “Staying firm, you advance”, I find those two words are a short but meaningful reminder that perseverance, endurance, firmness, tenacity, you name it, is quintessential in order to be successful, “to advance” in live.
Perseverance with the business ideas we dream about, and the projects we work in. Perseverance with the teams we actively manage and the business partners we collaborate with. Perseverance also with our friends and family, not to let them down.
I have decided to write “OBSTANDO PROMOVES” on top of my list of purposes for the new year, let’s see how 2019 goes.